Srimad bhagavad gita slokas in kannada and english pdf
Srimad bhagavad gita slokas in kannada and english pdf

srimad bhagavad gita slokas in kannada and english pdf

I humbly request the scholars to forgive any errors that I have made, and liberties that I may have taken in interpreting Bhagavad Rmnujas work, and accept this presentation as an introduction to the study of Rmnujas Bhashya. Each and every Sanskrit word can be substituted by up to 10 different words in English the word that we choose involves a certain amount of interpreting which means that the translator can always be accused of bias and spin in his work. There is quite a difference between translating and interpreting. I have again taken the liberty of substituting many of the actual quotes with their references in order to make the commentary less bulky. Throughout the Gita Rmnuja quotes extensively and exhaustively from the Upanishads, Vedas and Puranas to support his particular interpretation of knotty points.

srimad bhagavad gita slokas in kannada and english pdf

In order to render the text more "user-friendly" I have taken the liberty of extracting these debates and assembling them in an appendix at the end of the work so that those who are interested may study them and others may continue enjoying the text itself. These arguments are coached in the technical terms and classical style of Vedic logic and debate, and while interesting, they tend to be daunting, confusing and tedious to those unschooled in logic and the art of debate (nyya and tarka). Apart from the archaic language, the other problem with Rmnujas Bhashya is that he frequently launches into technically detailed refutations of the Advaitic position of Shankara Acharya. I have also taken the liberty of giving exhaustive footnotes to clarify points which many less scholarly readers would find difficult to understand. Much of the actual Commentary (Bhashya) is repetitive paraphrasing which I have left out whenever it does not elucidate the meaning of the verse. Viu PuraĪ Note on the Translation It must be born in mind that Rmnuja did not actually translate the Gita but paraphrased it in simpler Sanskrit. How well I have succeeded is for the discerning reader to judge. I have relied heavily on these two scholarly works in making this work available to the lovers of the Gita. My approach has been to be as true as possible to the original meaning but to be more creative in its formulation into contemporary English. Unfortunately this approach results in an English text that is stilted, repetitious and incomprehensible to many people. These two works are of impeccable scholarship being based on a phrase for phrase translation of the medieval Sanskrit. The other is by Swami Adidevananda published by the Ramakrishna Math. Sampatkumaran, published by Ananthacharya Indological Research Institute in January 1985. As far as I am aware there are only two English versions in print. Hy another translation and commentary on the Bhagavad Gita when there are already so many available in the bookstores and libraries throughout the world? The answer is that of the three Vednta caryas only ankaras commentary supporting his Advaita (Non-ĭual) philosophy has been well propounded and perpetuated through the centuries, whereas Rmnujas commentary from the point of view of Visishtadvaita (Qualified non-dualism) has been largely ignored or available only to the Tamil speaking public or to Sanskrit scholars. Index to the first lines (Sanskrit) _ 227 Moka-sannysa-yoga Liberation Through Renunciation 193ĪPPENDIX # 1 Esoteric Interpretation of the Names mentioned in the First Chapter raddh-traya-vibhga-yoga The Three Classifications of Convictionġ8. Daivsura Sampad Vibhga Yoga The Division between the Divine & Non-Divine.ġ7. Puruottama Yoga The Mystery of the Omnipresent Supreme Beingġ6. Gua-traya-vibhga Yoga The Threefold Division of the Modes of Material Natureġ5. Prakti-purua-viveka Yoga Differentiation between Spirit & Matterġ4. Bhakti Yoga Communion Through Devotion 143ġ3. Vivarpa Darana Yoga The Vision of the Cosmic Form 131ġ2. Vibhti Yoga Manifestation of Divine Glories 119ġ1. Rja-vidy Rja-guhya Yoga The Regal Science & the Royal Secret 107ġ0. Traka Brahma Yoga The Way to the Immutable Brahman 97ĩ. Adhytma Yoga Communion through Knowledge & Realisation 86Ĩ. Dhyna Yoga Communion through Meditation 74ħ. Karma Sanysa Yoga Communion through Renunciation 65Ħ. Jna Vibhgha Yoga Communion through Wisdom 51ĥ. Skhya Yoga Communion through Knowledge 14ģ. Rrrmmmaaaddd BBBhhhaaagggaaavvvaaaddd GGGttt withĬCCooonnnttteeennntttsss Forword _ 3Ī Note on the Translation _ 4ġ.

Srimad bhagavad gita slokas in kannada and english pdf